Code of ethics

At NAYA we are committed to operating our business with integrity and ethical responsibility. Our Ethics Code outlines the principles and values that guide our daily operations and interactions with customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Respect and fairness are at the heart of our business. We respect the dignity and rights of all individuals and strive to treat everyone fairly, regardless of their background, beliefs, or opinions. We uphold the principles of non-discrimination, diversity, and inclusion in all our interactions.

We are committed to transparency and honesty in our business practices. We strive to communicate openly and clearly with our customers and partners, providing accurate information about our products, services, and policies. We also respect the privacy of our customers and partners and handle their personal information with care and responsibility.

Sustainability is a core value for us. We recognise our responsibility to protect the environment and minimise our impact on natural resources. We source our ingredients from ethical and sustainable sources and strive to reduce waste and emissions throughout our supply chain. We also support environmental initiatives and encourage our customers to adopt sustainable practices.

We are committed to ethical business practices and take responsibility for our actions. We comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, and strive to maintain the highest ethical standards in our daily operations. We also uphold the principles of fair competition and respect the intellectual property rights of others.

At NAYA, we believe in continuous improvement and learning. We seek feedback from our customers and partners and use it to improve our products, services, and operations. We also invest in the training and development of our employees and partners, and encourage them to uphold our Ethics Code in their daily work.

We are proud of our commitment to ethical business practices and invite our customers, partners, and stakeholders to hold us accountable for upholding these principles and values.

The Code of Ethics has been published and made available to all our interested parties.

At NAYA, we are guided by a set of general values that reflect our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices. These values include:

  1. Respect for People and Nature:
    We believe in treating all individuals and the natural environment with respect and dignity. We recognise the interdependence between human well-being and the health of the planet and strive to promote practices that are beneficial for both.
  2. Honesty and Transparency:
    We are committed to being honest and transparent in all our business practices. We strive to communicate clearly and accurately with our customers and partners, and to provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions.
  3. Quality and Innovation:
    We are dedicated to providing high-quality products and services that meet the needs of our customers. We strive to innovate and improve our products and processes, while maintaining our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.
  4. Responsibility and Accountability:
    We take responsibility for our actions and strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in all our operations. We hold ourselves accountable for meeting our commitments to our customers, partners, and stakeholders.
  5. Collaboration and Partnership:
    We recognise the value of collaboration and partnership in achieving our goals. We seek to build strong relationships with our customers, partners, and stakeholders based on mutual respect, trust, and transparency.

By upholding these general values, we aim to create a positive impact on the world and contribute to the well-being of people and the planet. We invite our customers, partners, and stakeholders to join us in this commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

We embody the concept of high-tech natural cosmetics for selected beauty institutes, niche retailers and D2C online market in Europe and rest of the world. In our niche, we want to create an authentic brand that sets standards and inspires our community with selected products from our own production and exceptional services via online and offline channels. Our goal as a business is to grow sustainably, with acceptable risk for future generations. We want to create an agile working environment were the future team is always aware of its social, ethical and environmental responsibilities.

CUSTOMERS / We offer our customers a unique combination of extremely high-quality natural cosmetics, developed on the basis of sound expertise, experience, made from the best raw materials with the most modern means of production and packaged in attractive, sustainable design. Through the competent advise and personal care of our employees, we always let our customers share in the uniqueness of our philosophy within the beauty industry. EMPLOYEES / In the midst of nature, we offer our employees an exciting working environment in an up-and-coming, internationally oriented private female-founder business. Working with a diverse group of people creates a positive working atmosphere and introduces a diverse perspectives in which NAYA can flourish and evolve and everyone contributes to the long-term success of the company. SUPPLIERS / We maintain a long-term relationship of trust with our partners and suppliers. Excellent partners are crucial in order to meet our extremely high-quality standards and also help us through the though times in recent years. SOCIAL ENVIORNMENT / Sustainable thinking and enviornmental awareness are deeply rooted in our corporate orientation. We are aware of our social and ecological responsibility as a company and take this responsibility with pleasure. We have strong connections to our indigenous communities in Colombia and making long-term investments.

TEAM / I show consideration for others and accept others opinions. I am always helpful, respectful and put the team success in the foreground and operate with a high-level of integrity. RESPECT / I actively listen and communicate in a sincere and appreciative manner. I treat others as I would like to be treated. ENTHUSIASM / I come to work with a positive attitude. I actively contribute and enjoy what I do. NATURENESS / I respect nature and use its ressources responsibly. I understand nature as a central compomnet our the business's philosophy and understand that we as humans are nature. Disrespecting nature, is disrespecting myself / ourselves.

At NAYA, we are committed to developing and producing natural and vegan skincare products that are safe, effective, and sustainable. We believe that the development and production of our products must be guided by ethical and sustainable principles, and we uphold the following values in our products and product development:

  1. Natural and Vegan Ingredients:
    We use natural and vegan ingredients in our products to ensure their safety, efficacy, and sustainability. We source our ingredients from suppliers who share our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices and prioritise ingredients that are organic, fair trade, and/or sourced from indigenous communities.
  2. Scientific Rigour and Innovation:
    We invest in scientific research and development to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of our products. We strive to innovate and improve our products and processes while upholding the highest ethical and sustainability standards.
  3. Safety and Quality:
    We prioritise the safety and quality of our products and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. We conduct rigorous testing and quality control procedures to ensure that our products meet our standards for safety, efficacy, and quality.
  4. Environmental Sustainability:
    We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our products and production processes. We strive to reduce waste, conserve resources, and use eco-friendly packaging materials.
  5. Social Responsibility:
    We recognise our responsibility to the communities and individuals who are affected by our products and production processes. We prioritize the use of ingredients and production methods that are socially responsible and support the well-being of people and the planet.

By upholding these values in our products and product development, we aim to create natural and vegan skincare products that are safe, effective, and sustainable, and that contribute to the well-being of people and the planet. We invite our customers and partners to join us in this commitment to ethical and sustainable product development.

At NAYA, we are committed to providing our clients with natural and vegan skincare products and services that meet their needs and expectations. We believe that our relationship with our clients must be guided by ethical and sustainable principles, and we uphold the following values in our interactions with clients:

  1. Quality and Customer Satisfaction:
    We prioritise the quality of our products and services and strive to exceed our clients' expectations. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and responding to our clients' needs and feedback.
  2. Honesty and Transparency:
    We value honesty and transparency in our interactions with our clients. We provide accurate and clear information about our products and services, including their ingredients, benefits, and limitations.
  3. Privacy and Confidentiality:
    We respect our clients' privacy and confidentiality and protect their personal and sensitive information. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations on data protection and privacy.
  4. Social Responsibility:
    We recognise our responsibility to the communities and individuals who are affected by our products and services. We prioritise the use of ingredients and production methods that are socially responsible and support the well-being of people and the planet.
  5. Fair Pricing:
    We believe that our products and services should be priced fairly and transparently. We strive to provide high-quality products and services at reasonable prices and avoid price discrimination or unfair practices.

By upholding these values in our interactions with clients, we aim to build a trusting and long-lasting relationship with our clients and contribute to their well-being and satisfaction. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our clients on how we can improve our products and services and our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

At NAYA, we are committed to sourcing natural and vegan ingredients for our skincare products from suppliers who share our values and commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. We believe that our relationships with our suppliers must be guided by ethical and sustainable principles, and we uphold the following values in our interactions with suppliers:

  1. Fair and Ethical Business Practices:
    We seek to establish fair and ethical business relationships with our suppliers based on mutual respect, trust, and transparency. We strive to treat our suppliers with respect and fairness and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Environmental Sustainability:
    We are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our supply chain and production processes. We prioritize suppliers who use eco-friendly production methods, reduce waste, and conserve resources.
  3. Social Responsibility:
    We recognize our responsibility to the communities and individuals who are affected by our supply chain and production processes. We prioritize suppliers who use ingredients and production methods that are socially responsible and support the well-being of people and the planet.
  4. Quality and Safety:
    We prioritize the quality and safety of our ingredients and ensure that our suppliers comply with all applicable laws and regulations on product safety and quality. We conduct rigorous testing and quality control procedures to ensure that our ingredients meet our standards for safety, efficacy, and quality.
  5. Continual Improvement:
    We are committed to continually improving our supply chain and production processes to ensure that they are ethical, sustainable, and efficient. We work with our suppliers to identify areas for improvement and invest in research and development to innovate and improve our processes.

By upholding these values in our interactions with suppliers, we aim to build long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships that support ethical and sustainable practices and contribute to the well-being of people and the planet. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our suppliers on how we can improve our supply chain and production processes and our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

As the owner of NAYA, I am committed to leading my company with integrity, responsibility, and sustainability. I believe that ethical and sustainable business practices are essential for building a successful and thriving company that benefits all stakeholders, including employees, clients, suppliers, and the environment. I uphold the following values in my role as the owner of NAYA:

  1. Vision and Purpose:
    I am committed to creating a company that is guided by a clear and meaningful vision and purpose. I prioritize the well-being of people and the planet in all of my business decisions and actions, and I seek to make a positive impact in the world through my products and services.
  2. Ethics and Integrity:
    I value ethics and integrity in all of my business dealings and interactions. I strive to treat all stakeholders with honesty, respect, and fairness, and I comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  3. Sustainability:
    I am committed to building a sustainable business that minimizes its impact on the environment and supports the well-being of people and communities. I prioritize sustainable practices in all areas of my business, including sourcing, production, packaging, and waste management.
  4. Innovation and Quality:
    I believe that innovation and quality are essential for creating products and services that meet the needs and expectations of my clients and stakeholders. I invest in research and development to innovate and improve my products and services and ensure that they meet the highest standards of safety, efficacy, and quality.
  5. Social Responsibility:
    I recognize my responsibility to contribute to the well-being of society and the communities where my business operates. I prioritize the use of ingredients and production methods that are socially responsible and support the well-being of people and the planet.

By upholding these values in my role as the owner of NAYA, I aim to create a company that is ethical, responsible, and sustainable and contributes to the well-being of all stakeholders. I welcome feedback and suggestions from my employees, clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders on how I can improve my company's commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

At NAYA, we are committed to proper management practices that align with our core values of integrity, transparency, and sustainability. We believe that proper management is essential for ensuring that our business operations are conducted ethically and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Compliance:
    We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing our business operations, including those related to environmental protection, labor and employment practices, and product safety. We will also adhere to relevant industry standards and best practices.
  2. Training and Development:
    We will provide regular training and development opportunities for our employees to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to uphold our ethical and sustainable business practices. This may include training on topics such as anti-corruption, anti-discrimination, and responsible sourcing.
  3. Risk Management:
    We will conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential ethical and sustainability risks in our supply chain and business operations. We will also develop and implement risk management strategies to ensure that we are proactively addressing these risks.
  4. Monitoring and Reporting:
    We will regularly monitor and report on our progress in upholding our ethical and sustainable business practices. This may include reporting on our environmental impact, our labor and employment practices, and our progress towards meeting sustainability goals.

By implementing proper management practices, we aim to ensure that our business operations are conducted ethically, sustainably, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our stakeholders on how we can continue to improve our management practices.

At NAYA, we value our employees as our most important asset. We believe that a supportive and inclusive work environment is essential for our success and the well-being of our employees. Our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices extends to our employees, and we strive to create a workplace culture that upholds the following principles:

  1. Fairness and Non-discrimination:
    We uphold the principles of non-discrimination and equality in all aspects of employment, including hiring, training, promotion, and compensation. We respect the diversity of our employees and strive to create a workplace that is free from harassment, bullying, and other forms of discriminatory behaviour.
  2. Health and Safety:
    We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees. We comply with all applicable health and safety regulations and provide our employees with the training, equipment, and support they need to perform their work safely and effectively.
  3. Training and Development:
    We recognise the importance of training and development for the professional growth and well-being of our employees. We invest in the training and development of our employees and provide them with opportunities for learning and advancement.
  4. Work-Life Balance:
    We recognise the importance of work-life balance for the well-being and productivity of our employees. We strive to provide flexible work arrangements and support our employees in balancing their work and personal responsibilities.
  5. Ethical Behaviour:
    We expect all our employees to uphold the highest ethical standards in their work and interactions with customers, partners, and stakeholders. We provide our employees with training and support to ensure they understand and comply with our Ethics Code and applicable laws and regulations.

By upholding these principles, we aim to create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that promotes the well-being and professional growth of our employees. We believe that our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices is strengthened by the engagement and dedication of our employees, and we strive to create a workplace environment that reflects these values.

At NAYA, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all of our business dealings and interactions. We recognize that conflicts of interest can arise in any business relationship, and we are committed to managing them in a fair and transparent manner. We uphold the following principles to manage conflicts of interest:

  1. Disclosure:
    We require all employees, officers, and directors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in their business dealings with clients, suppliers, or other stakeholders. We believe that transparency and disclosure are essential for managing conflicts of interest in a fair and responsible manner.
  2. Avoidance:
    Where possible, we avoid engaging in business dealings that may create a conflict of interest. We prioritize relationships with clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders that align with our values and commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.
  3. Mitigation:
    Where a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, we take steps to mitigate its impact on our business dealings. We seek to ensure that our decisions and actions are guided by ethical principles and do not compromise the interests of our clients, suppliers, or other stakeholders.
  4. Fairness:
    We strive to ensure that our business dealings are fair and transparent and do not give any one stakeholder an unfair advantage over others. We believe that fairness is essential for building trust and long-lasting relationships with our stakeholders.
  5. Compliance:
    We comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest and ensure that our employees, officers, and directors are aware of their obligations to manage conflicts of interest in a responsible and ethical manner.

By upholding these principles in managing conflicts of interest, we aim to build a culture of integrity and ethics at NAYA and contribute to the well-being of all our stakeholders. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our stakeholders on how we can improve our management of conflicts of interest and our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

At NAYA, we recognize the importance of maintaining ethical business practices that promote fairness, transparency, and integrity. We believe that gifts and gratuities should not be used to influence business decisions or create a conflict of interest.

  1. Policy:
    We have established a clear policy that prohibits the giving or receiving of gifts and gratuities that could be perceived as influencing business decisions. This policy applies to all employees, agents, and representatives of NAYA.
  2. Exceptions:
    In some cases, it may be appropriate to exchange gifts or gratuities as a gesture of goodwill or to celebrate a special occasion. However, such exchanges should always be reasonable and appropriate, and should never create a conflict of interest or be perceived as an attempt to influence business decisions.
  3. Disclosure:
    We require that all gifts or gratuities exchanged between NAYA employees and external parties be disclosed and recorded in a transparent manner. This includes gifts or gratuities received during business travel or events.
  4. Enforcement:
    We take violations of our gifts and gratuities policy seriously and will take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee found to have violated the policy. We also expect our business partners and suppliers to uphold similar standards of ethical behaviour.

By establishing clear policies and guidelines around gifts and gratuities, we aim to promote transparency, fairness, and integrity in all of our business dealings. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our stakeholders on how we can continue to improve our policies and practices.

At NAYA, we are committed to protecting and preserving the environment in all aspects of our business. We recognize that our actions have an impact on the environment and we take responsibility for minimizing this impact through our products, packaging, and operations. We uphold the following principles to protect the environment:

  1. Sustainable sourcing:
    We are committed to sourcing our ingredients in a responsible and sustainable manner, with a focus on reducing our impact on the environment. We prioritize sourcing from suppliers who share our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.
  2. Responsible packaging:
    We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our packaging by using recyclable and biodegradable materials wherever possible. We are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to reduce waste and promote sustainability in our packaging.
  3. Energy and resource efficiency:
    We are committed to reducing our energy consumption and resource use in all aspects of our business. We implement energy-efficient technologies and processes wherever possible, and we aim to reduce our water usage and waste generation through responsible practices and recycling.
  4. Compliance with environmental regulations:
    We comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and strive to go above and beyond these requirements to protect the environment. We also encourage our suppliers and partners to do the same, and we seek to work with those who share our commitment to environmental sustainability.
  5. Continuous improvement:
    We believe that continuous improvement is essential for promoting sustainability and protecting the environment. We regularly review and evaluate our environmental impact and seek to identify areas where we can improve our practices and reduce our footprint.

By upholding these principles, we aim to minimize our impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our stakeholders on how we can improve our environmental practices and our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

At NAYA, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our business. We recognize that violations of our Ethics Code can have serious consequences for our stakeholders and for the reputation of our company. We have established the following principles to ensure that violations of our Ethics Code are identified and addressed in a fair and consistent manner:

  1. Reporting:
    We encourage all stakeholders to report any suspected violations of our Ethics Code, including employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. Reports can be made through our confidential reporting channels, and we will investigate all reports thoroughly and promptly.
  2. Investigation:
    We will investigate all reported violations of our Ethics Code promptly and thoroughly, and we will take appropriate action to address any violations that are substantiated. We will ensure that our investigation process is fair and impartial, and we will take steps to protect the confidentiality of all parties involved.
  3. Sanctions:
    We will take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee or stakeholder who violates our Ethics Code. Sanctions may include termination of employment, cancellation of contracts, or other measures as appropriate. We will ensure that sanctions are applied consistently and in accordance with our policies and procedures.
  4. Continuous improvement:
    We believe that continuous improvement is essential for upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We will regularly review and evaluate our Ethics Code and our policies and procedures to ensure that they remain relevant and effective in promoting ethical and sustainable business practices.

By upholding these principles, we aim to promote a culture of integrity and ethics at NAYA and to build trust and confidence among our stakeholders. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our stakeholders on how we can improve our Ethics Code and our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

At NAYA, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our business. We recognize the importance of transparency and accountability in building trust with our stakeholders, and we are committed to releasing information about our ethical and sustainable business practices.

  1. Disclosure:
    We will disclose relevant information about our business practices and policies to our stakeholders, including our customers, suppliers, employees, and partners. This information may include our commitment to sustainable sourcing, our efforts to reduce waste and environmental impact, and our policies and procedures for addressing ethical issues.
  2. Communication:
    We will communicate openly and transparently with our stakeholders about our ethical and sustainable business practices. We will engage in two-way communication with our stakeholders to ensure that their concerns and feedback are heard and addressed.
  3. Accessibility:
    We will make information about our ethical and sustainable business practices easily accessible to our stakeholders. This information may be available on our website, in our annual reports, or in other forms of communication.
  4. Continuous improvement:
    We believe that continuous improvement is essential for upholding the highest standards of ethics and sustainability. We will regularly review and evaluate our business practices and policies to ensure that they are aligned with our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

By releasing information about our ethical and sustainable business practices, we aim to build trust and confidence among our stakeholders and to contribute to a more sustainable and ethical business environment. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our stakeholders on how we can improve our disclosure and communication practices. Released on 03/03/2021. Updated on 24/08/2022.